Steer Economic Development was commissioned non-competitively by Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) to frame the concept of an applied health Innovation campus (‘The HILL’) for the City Region.
‘The HILL’ is intended as a transformational initiative for Liverpool City Region’s (LCR’s) Health Innovation system and the wider economy. Led by the University of Liverpool, the City Council, and the Combined Authority, and supported by private and public sector partners across the LCR, it will demonstrate sub-regionally what can be achieved by integrated and digitally-enabled healthcare, with a strong focus on economic benefits. It will improve individuals’ health outcomes, and drive research, development, translation and commercialisation to support LCR’s emerging Health and Social Care agglomeration.
A mixed-methods work programme was undertaken by Steer Economic Development to meet the study’s objectives, these including:
- A review of extant documents, proposals and costings relating to the concept;
- Interviews with key stakeholders private sector, health, academic realms;
- Developing detailed case studies of similar initiatives elsewhere at home and abroad, and
- The regular facilitation of development meetings to help progress the vision, objectives, and inputs that would comprise the project.
Steer Economic Development produced a clear, concise and communicable Vision Document, founded in evidence, which will now be taken on by LCRCA and its partners to build a Full Business Case.