Approaching transportation planning from a gender perspective allows us to recognize the differences in travel patterns and needs among men and women. These differences are usually conditioned by the roles people play in society. Therefore, studying and analysing data that describe and quantify the effect of the actions that help to reduce gender barriers is key to promoting inclusion. The objective of this work was to identify and quantify, from a gender perspective, the differences, and variables that are key to the choice of transportation mode in Lima, Peru. The study also considers that the information produced could be incorporated into transportation modelling tools to improve planning and economic analysis.
The work of Steer focused on identifying, validating, and quantifying the travel determinants that influence the choice of transportation mode in Lima, Peru, from a gender perspective. For this purpose, a conceptual approach was developed based on a review of literature on the approach to mobility and transportation planning from a gender perspective. Consultations with experts focus groups, and stated preference surveys were conducted with residents of the Metropolitan Area of Lima to identify, through a modal choice model, the determinants of travel from a gender perspective. Due to the results of this model, differences in the generalized cost of transportation were quantified and recommendations were generated in terms of public policies to improve women's access to mass transportation system.
Thanks to the the results of the modal choice model and qualitative consultations, it was possible to identify the determinants of travel by women in Lima for using the BRT (Metropolitan) public transport system. It was identified that in Lima:
- Women have a greater willingness to pay for savings in travel time.
- Women have a greater preference for a cab or app-requested services.
- Walking and waiting time negatively affect the choice of the Metropolitano.
- Bus occupancy negatively influences Metropolitano's choice.
- Making transfers decreases the likelihood of using the Metropolitano
- Security cameras and police presence would increase the likelihood of using the Metropolitano
- Women have a lower preference for the use of the Motorcycle/Mototaxi
- Bicycles can be promoted as an alternative mode of transportation.
With these findings, Steer recommended focused public policy actions that can promote greater use by women in this system.